
IRC and Telegram

TELOK's IRC channel can be found at IRCnet at #telok. You can join the Telegram channel here: https://t.me/joinchat/HO6wURMKDnfarwfw917bUw

There is a bridge bot set up between IRC and Telegram, so messages sent to either channel are also forwarded to the other. Images sent via Telegram are also forwarded to the IRC channel. You can ask the channel's bot (TelokOvi) to display the status of the club room's door and lights with commands !ovi (door) and !valo (lights). You can learn more about other commands by typing !help.

Email list

You can join TELOK's member mailing list here: https://lists.tuni.fi/mailman/listinfo/telok-jasen

The mailing list is used to forward members announcements concerning TELOK and occasionally job offers relevant to the club's field. One email is sent per month on average.

  • en/jasenkanavat.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/11 22:18
  • by tupsu